⚠️ Before using this app please checkout notes
Assumes the OpenSees(.tcl) files defines commands line by line without any loops, conditionals, variables, expressions, etc. This is the format generated when you export a model from OpenSees Navigator and perhaps from other front-ends to OpenSees.1
If your OpenSees(.tcl) files do use loops, conditionals, variables, expressions, etc., you might be better off to port your OpenSees model from Tcl to Python manually, or you can look in to Tkinter1
You may have some luck making your own “middleware” to convert your OpenSees(.tcl) script to a model defined line by line by inserting output statements in your loops and other constructs. Even though this won’t get you to 100% conversion and you’ll still have some conversions to make here and there, it’ll get you pretty far.1
Tcl to python converter
Enter your tcl code with considering notes in below box
The openseespy result
Source code 2
The above quote is excerpted from Michael H. Scott’s script in opensees repository. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
https://github.com/OpenSees/OpenSees/blob/master/SCRIPTS/toOpenSeesPy.py ↩︎